Forums - "if you use jill it's a easykill" a jill guide Show all 35 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- "if you use jill it's a easykill" a jill guide ( Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 02:18 AM: "if you use jill it's a easykill" a jill guide IF YOU USE JILL IT'S A EASY KILL I've been playing with Jill for a while now and i thought i might cook up some useful combos and techniques to make her more useful in your teams. After playing with Jill for a while i've come to the conclusion that she is more of a rush down character instead of keep away character.She can be used for keep away but the only thing's you have to work with are the running dogs, birds, and zombies so if you use her i say use her for rush down but it's your choice. LINKING SUPERS She has 3 super moves Close Fighting A+,Tyrant,and Rocket Launcher. 1. while jumping j.ik land c.ik , wait for half a sec c.ik launch sj.ip sj.ik, the lp close fighting A, then close fighting A+ super. This combo is one of the biggest damaging combos she has but there is a flaw,after the to the c.ik watch out because they can roll out of it but other then that the combo is pretty awesome. 2. tyrant super,right after dash forward c.ik launch sj.lp sj.ik, the lp close fighting A,Close fighting A+ super. I rate this combo second because it requires the Tyrant super and this super is very difficult to get someone in.Your best chance is to use a capture assist like thanos's or spider mans, or you could cancel out of someones super like guiles sonic hurricane or somersault strike.Now you've still got the rolling problem also so watch out. 3. Charge up the hp close fighting A for about 15 sec then while standing s.ip release hp,let it hit for about 5 sec then cancel out in the rocket launcher. I rate this combo third because of the time to charge up the move but the time is not that bad to take up just taking a risk because basically all you can do while charging up is jump around and use the dogs and zombies.Now about the canceling out into the rocket launcher,make sure the combo hits stay together because if they don't they can recover in the air and block the missles. 4. while jumping j.ik land s.ik Close fighting A+ super. A very simple combo to do and unlike the into close fighting A+ super they can't roll out of the standing hk so do this one instead of the giving it the fourth place spot. 5. while jumping j.ik land s.ip s.hp close fighting A+ super Like number 4 very easy to pull off and no rolling problem.The difference in this is it's faster then number 4 but does less damage.I give this the fifth place spot. 6. while jumping j.ik land s.ip, the lp close fighting A, cancel out into the close fighting A+ super. This combo does some really cool damage but the problem is the canceling out into super.The thing is you have to time it,right after it hits twice cancel out right at that moment if not they will recover and block.They may fly across the screen but it will not stop the hits from conneting and they can't roll from it ether lol. I gave it the sixth place spot. 7. s.ip close fighting A+ super. or s.ik close fighting A+ super This really!!!!! easy combo to do is most of the time used while rushing the opponet down.Use it to get some quick damage in.Low damage but a fast one, gave it the seventh place spot. 8. while jumping j.hp close fighting A+ super. In this combo make sure the hp and super are done in the air.Just make sure the opponet is standing or it won't work.A nice combo to use while coming out of jumping,Nice short combo it got the 8th place spot. 9.In corner call out the burning zombie and wait until it gets half way then launch sj.ip sj.ik sj.hp, if you timed the zombie right the opponet should hit the zombie,if he did land relaunch sj.ip sj.ik the lp close fighting A, Close fighting A+ super. This combo is hard as hell to do because the timing: it takes the zombie too long to get to it's place and too risky for the wait.And timing the sj.hp can be hard because if the zombie isn't there to keep the combo number the combo is over.I say don't waste your time trying to get this on somebody because it takes too much time and trouble,fun to play around with in practice mode though.Sense the time is just too risky i gave this combo 9th place. 10. call out the regular zombie and try to make it connect with the opponet if it does while it's stunning the opponet get next to the opponet and and do the tyrant super, right after dash forward c.ik launch sj.ip sj.ik the lp close fighting A,close fighting A+ super. Like the number 2 combo dash forward right after the super to catch the opponet but watch out for the rolling problem or it won't work.Now about the zombie if you can get it connect with the opponet use the advantage to do the tyrant super.Connecting the zombie will be a hard thing but if your good in timing and dodging you'll get it.The zombie leaves a big flaw so i give this combo the 10th place spot. KEEP AWAY TECHNIQUE Jill isn't much of a keep away character but it's possible to do so.We all know if your playing keep away your gonna end up in the corner right? So if your stuck in the corner on the count of keep away or somebody rushing you down you'll want to use her grenade launcher ( f.d.df hp or lp) because it can stop jumping attacks and best of all stop the opponet from dash right at you.The next best thing to use is her return fire attack (qcb+hp) because most keep away characters have a problem getting put into some nasty air combos,so use this move to provent launchers and trippers.Now last but not least the dogs,the birds, and the zombies.If your playing keep away the whole match you want to call out these monsters because they stop the path of a rushing attack and could save you from some nasty supers lol. Not much keep away info but like i said she's not much of a keep away character. RUSHDOWN TECHNIQUE Now we talk some Jill, in my opinion Jill is one of the best rushdown characters in mvc2 because most of her rushing down is based around her to launch.Think of it just one of her trips can give way to a killer combo and her supers work so well with her rushdown like the j.hp close fighting A+ super.So rush like hell with Jill and get that one trip in so you can work some combo magic. SOME GOOD TEAM UP'S FOR JILL Sense Jill is a rushdown character you'll want some beams and seeking assist.I will not explane the list of teams because it's a opinion list,work the teams like you want em. Jill-dash type / cable-projectle type / blackheart-anti-air type Jill-projectle type / cable-anti-air type / sentenal-ground type Jill-dash type / iron man-anti-air / cable-projectle type Jill-dash type / guile-anti-air / cammy-anti-air maybe this list will spark up a good team for you. JILL'S ASSIST Heal type- in my opinion this assist is a waste of time doesn't even heal a inch of hp so i say just leave this assist alone. Dash type-Probably the best assist to use but make sure you kinda close to the opponet when you call her out for it or it could meet trouble like a ahvbx4. projectle type-Good to use when your playing keep away with cable or someone because it can provent rush down from the opponet. Hope "if you use jill it's a easy kill" helped out and gave you some killer tips to make jill a kick ass character give me you opinion on the guide.....thanks and later Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 02:32 AM: C'mon jill is awesome or does the guide suck? Posted by State of Nature on 10:05:2001 02:35 AM: props for putting in the time to make this guide. That said, any player who is even slightly better than a scrub will know how to roll. So any game based around cr hk to cr lk OTG games is pretty weak. Jill has weak rushdown because her mobility is limited. She has no triangle or double jump, she has no airdash, she has no throw mixups, and everybody can get out of your OTG games. Jill is pretty weak. But props on your detailed guide. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 02:36 AM: Thx it's just i'm tired of hearing about iron man cable peeps like that all the time. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 03:01 AM: I tried my best to do a low tier character guide but no good Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 03:39 AM: ummmmm does anyone like jill? Posted by mixup on 10:05:2001 04:11 AM: Try adding some strategies, Make a Vs section on the tools+Tricks she can do against top tier people. I have a cool combo for you. With spiderman AAA,, now wait until the last hit of the tryrant and either cancel into maximum spider or Otg them with jillXXmaximum spider. That used to be my pair! I can help you out. It's also good to rush for awhile, call slow zombie and set them up into walking into it lol if they sj over you, people can forget the zombie is over there Too POWERFUL! Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 04:15 AM: Thx dude when i redo this guide i will ask for some combos and other stuff. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 04:16 AM: You should try the number nine combo it's kool. i think i made it up lol Posted by qUiCkStRiKe on 10:05:2001 04:22 AM: well mad props to u for making this guide and i think jill is a good character cuz when i first started to play she was one of mah first characters but as a character she can do damage fast but she has trouble against some top tiers unless she has good u know she doesnt have a air dash but u can use her close fighting move or she doesnt have a double jump so at times its hard to get near to really do damage but with the right helpers she can be a threat... all in all good guide and jill is a good character. Posted by MadDogMiXon on 10:05:2001 05:21 AM: I like that combo, too much time in the training room is good for you!! have you ever seen that spiderman+jill combo? you try that one out and i'll try the psycho flaming zombie one too hey, BTW i live in Pensacola Fl, are you very far away from here? If there is a big marvel scene there, my friends and i may come to visit. Posted by SiLLie bOy on 10:05:2001 05:47 AM: Just givin u mad propZ for the guide... The combo c. LK, c. LK, c. HK, pause, c. LK, c. HP, SJ, LP LK LP LK, LP shoulder tackle xx Hyper Shoulder Tackle... is mostly my main combo and I've learned not to always add the OTG part...but if I do, I normally just stick out a c. HK to move closer while also making them block/take the hit/or jump... but after the combo that's mentioned above...when in a corner...after you land from it...stick an HP throw in works everytime I use it against other people...because they expect you to do another c. LK and repeat the last just mixes it up a bit taKe KareZ Posted by Gibson on 10:05:2001 06:07 AM: quote: 1. while jumping j.ik land c.ik , wait for half a sec c.ik launch sj.ip sj.ik, the lp close fighting A, then close fighting A+ super. You should try to shy away from these long chain combos when you're using a lower tier character. It's great if you're magneto and can juggle them all day long.. But when using second/third tier characters, you should be going for max damage, not max combos. Every extra lk, mk, lp, and mp you throw into the combo diminishes the maximum damage of your heavy attacks as the chain get's bigger. Take a look at these figures. DMG LVL set to 2. Your Combo - ^Above^ HITS: 22 DMG: 64 Semi-difficult to do, opponent can roll out. Easy to whiff super during close fighting cancellation. Much Simpler Variation - j.hp, c.hp,, xx Close Fighting A+ HITS: 14 DMG: 70 Very easy to perform, opponent has no escapes available. When playing lower tiers competitively you must go for substance over style. It's ok for the Storms and Magnetos to whiff an assisted 60-hit delayed hyper combo, because they know if they're any good they'll eventually have another chance to set it up. But with lower tiers your combos will most likely end leaving you and your opponent on equal footing, this is a disadvantage for you since you're using the lower tier character. This is why you should always go for max damage with combos that leave no room for escape. I play Spider-man religiously, and when I'm playing against any kind of good doom trap team, or continual rush down magneto team, I'm lucky if I even get 2 or 3 really good offensive breaks.. so I have to make the most of each combo I set up. This usually means leaving out as many weak attacks as possible in favor of a simpler, more damagng, and unescapable combo in the long run. This tactic can can make or break your game when you're using non-top tiers. That aside... the rest of the guide is pretty sound. She's one of my favorite characters to use. I love the return fire beretta attack. If you're a fair distance away, you can stop a Juggernaut Headcrush with it. Posted by Mitsuflip on 10:05:2001 06:11 AM: yes Jill rocks... good stuff in the guide... Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 10:05:2001 12:15 PM: Good job on the guide, (unlike Geektard who writes useless guides for people he doesn't know how to play) One point tho- You can't combo into tyrant super thru use of a capture assist because the way most captures work is the same way magnetic tempest works, meaning during the freeze screen of the super they can easily mash out of the capture. Posted by Jaze on 10:05:2001 05:00 PM: Im also a Jill player, and i have a quick thing to add to your guide: Most people's biggest complaint is that her biggest combo can be rolled out of right? Well if your opponent starts to roll out of it, throw a zombie instead of the and it will nail them and you can start the combo again, or go for a different one. Another complaint that people have about Jill is her lack of a double jump or a airdash. What I have found useful is a simlar strategy that Tron players use. You can use her lp dash as a sort of airdash. It has pretty good recovery, and she drops pretty quickly afterwards so the reduces the risk of being hit afterwards is pretty small. Don't abuse it though, because it can be punished. ~Jaze~ Posted by Naslectronical on 10:05:2001 06:16 PM: Honestly, does Jill even need a guide? Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:05:2001 07:11 PM: Yea thats cool solve the rolling problem by calling out a zombie thx dude. Ok the reason why i've put these long combos in is because i'm trying to make jill a little funner to use because it's not much fun if you just do super try to have fun in a match using jill take i break from iron man and cable,you'll see it can be fun using low tier. sup maddogmixon in a way i'm kinda close,i live in Athens Georgia,and the marvel seen here is ok but i'm telling peeps about and it's starting to flow again so if you want to make a LONG trip i'm take ya on anytime. Posted by Joe Darque on 10:05:2001 07:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature props for putting in the time to make this guide. That said, any player who is even slightly better than a scrub will know how to roll. So any game based around cr hk to cr lk OTG games is pretty weak. Jill has weak rushdown because her mobility is limited. She has no triangle or double jump, she has no airdash, she has no throw mixups, and everybody can get out of your OTG games. Jill is pretty weak. But props on your detailed guide. even though what you said is true........jill has a back up for rollers. i use Jill alot and whenever i i see a player who rolls i call her LK Zombie. heres an example. you jump in with Jill, do a c.LKx2, c.HK, call LK zombie, the opponent rolls right into it, its unblockable so theres no escape., dash in and do whatever your heart desires. *Edit: i noticed someone put this up already. oh well. Posted by ThunderForceGod on 10:05:2001 09:55 PM: Here is way to combo the Tyrant super. When Jill is cornered Cr. 3hit kick chainxxDog"Immediatly"xxTyrant. It does have wierd timing du it DOES combo through the dog!!! The dog should be starting to jump as the screen stops for the super. remember Jill has to be in the corner or the dog won't come out fast eoungh!!! Posted by ID on 10:05:2001 10:10 PM: uh, Go post this about a year ago. Posted by PikaPuff on 10:06:2001 04:13 AM: you know a lot of basic stuff about jill, but you're not super good with her... neither am i, but yeah. find out if they're rolling or not. zombie or OTG. after tyrant same thing, zombie or dash-in+OTG she's super anti rush down. qcb+lk imediately into qcf+lk zombie comes out, dog knocks it down right under you. most people don't see it, only the dog. since the zombie is knocked down off screena nd lands on screen. super anti rushdown protection.o.0;;;; lame term "super anti rushdown" i suck ^_^ after the zombie catches, use an assist to connect tyrant, or just do the simple lk lk hk qcf+pp um how about qcb+lp/hp? it works sometimes on jump-in/new character entry. um, that's it. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:06:2001 05:38 AM: No one is perfect with no one in mvc2 because you will always focus on one thing then stick to it forever.Don't say you don't because you do,i do, the best players do,thats why you can learn how someone plays then beat em.So jill may be a low tier but if you have true skill you'll be awesome with her. Posted by ASSMASTERX on 10:06:2001 11:12 PM: I didn't even read it and I still voted no, chump. Posted by Xinith on 10:07:2001 03:31 AM: Good god, some one ban ASSMASTERX, his sig is freakin' horrible. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:07:2001 11:19 PM: um thx for the vote lol Posted by mixup on 10:08:2001 04:03 AM: Honestly, would you guys prefer that EVERYONE who uses low-tier just mash buttons!?!?! just let the people who would like to use the guide use it. You people are just being mean Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:08:2001 06:01 AM: YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by ASSMASTERX on 10:08:2001 06:09 AM: Yes, ban me. YOUR MOMMA, fag! Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:09:2001 12:54 AM: Guess who doesn't need to reply to this thread anymore? Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:21:2001 06:12 AM: ? Posted by Digicore2001 on 10:21:2001 12:00 PM: I have been playing as Jill for a while. Her j.hp and have tons and tons of priority. Most people are like," How the fuck did you hit me with that kick!? I was across the fuggin screen!". I used to play Jill all the time before the introduction of all the top tiers. Now the only time I play her is when pair with Tron projectile assist. Cool gide. Posted by Âddì¢tèÐ-2-j0Ø on 10:21:2001 05:23 PM: Sorry, but this guide sucks. It only has basic Jill combos and strats, nothing that'll make dominate with her or anything. Mad props thought for using a non-top tier character. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:22:2001 04:48 AM: ok you must be new here,Jill is a basic character nothing special about her.Just dig up some skills dude. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 10:30:2001 02:40 AM: i love the views All times are GMT. The time now is 10:21 PM. Show all 35 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.